
Staff Events
The court regularly hosts team building activities and exercises for staff.

Community Events
Real Talk
The Court hosted an event for mothers, grandmothers and guardians to improve communication with their daughters, granddaughters, and female wards.

Let’s Talk About Sex:
During this event, youth were educated about health and responsible behavior. Before the event, the court held a listening session to hear from parents, elders and community leaders about topics and approaches to steer this sensitive conversation.
Homecoming 2021
Court staff participated in Homecoming activities for Sunflower & Humphreys Counties.

Justice League
Each month the court takes an opportunity to do team building activities with staff. The purpose of these activities is to foster a climate of open communication and collaboration as we work to improve ourselves, our community and our system. For the month of August, we had a great leadership team building activity. As a result we have embraced the name "The Justice League, where we are The Helping Hand, Zen Monk, The Fertilizer, Storm, Wonder Woman, Yahweh's Child and the Blind Sider. These names are unique to our personality, our purpose, and our role in the administration of Justice.